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K-12th Full-Time & Part-Time Students




Begin Here:

Decide whether you want to enroll your child in our program as:

1. A District Funded Student: Full-Time or Part-Time.

2. You can also enroll without district funding on a Self-Pay basis.

*We have a lot of families that choose to self-pay for extra classes in their student schedule that district funding does not cover.

3. Or our successful Fusion hybrid program. To learn more, visit our Fusion Program tab above!


Please note: If your student has ever had an IEP or 504:

Your family will need to contact OVA BEFORE registering with Quo Vadis. These services will be supported by OVA in Oxford, MI.  A copy of these documents will also need to be emailed to before registering with Quo Vadis in order for us to make sure we can accommodate your student. Thank you!


OVA-Funded: Students can enroll in partnership classes for core and elective classes. Then to get those classes paid for, they must enroll in Oxford Virtual Academy (OVA) as full-time or part-time students. To begin enrollment for funding start with our Registration Tab.


Part-Time: This qualifies your child for up to 4 fully-funded classes and for a limited time, a partially funded 5th class.


Full-Time: This qualifies your child for 6 funded classes. 4 core classes (Math, Science, History and Lang. Arts) are taken online or onsite, Mondays & Wednesdays in our Fusion program. The other 2 are electives* which can be taken at our partnership on Fridays or with one of our QV Vendors. The majority of these classes are fully-funded through the Oxford Community School District.


*Want to take more than the funded number of classes? No problem, additional classes may be purchased by the parents at a reduced rate. See "Combination" below.


Self-Pay: Students enroll in our partnership classes and pay a Per-Student/Per-Class/Semester fee. Your student will still have access to all of the same high-quality class choices as the District Funded students.


Combination: This is an option for students interested in taking more than the 5 funded classes per Part-Time student OR 6 classes as a Full-Time student.

Our Offerings:

Explore our elective course offerings for this Fall/Spring semester. Hover over our "Electives" tab above. Select: Class List and Course Description to find times and details regarding our elective offerings.

Take Note:



It is important to know what our expectations are of your family when registering with us, so please visit our General Policies.



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