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Elective Classes: Fridays, with 6 onsite class hours running from 9:15am – 3:45pm.

  • 14 weeks per semester.

  • 2 Semesters each school year. 

    • 1st semester: Early September to mid-December 

    • 2nd semester: Late January to mid-May 


QV Fusion Classes:  Mondays & Wednesday 8:30am – 3pm.

  • 18 weeks per semester

    • 15 onsite & 3 at-home/online only. 

  • 2 Semesters per school year. 

    • 1st semester: Late August to early January 

    • 2nd semester: Late January to late May


WHERE: 51041 Shelby Rd, Shelby Twp, MI 48316 






REGISTRAR: Rhonda Barg - (586) 224-0097


OUR TEACHERS: Quo Vadis teachers are chosen based on knowledge of subject matter, experience and love of teaching.  Please check our website to view our Teacher Bio’s section. 


Protecting Our Children:  Quo Vadis is dedicated to providing a safe and effective learning environment for our students.  Each of our Staff members have undergone LiveScan Fingerprint Background Checks. 


Teachers and staff are trained in and provided with emergency procedures. First-aid kits are available, on site, at all times. 


Our policy requires teachers to ask students to wait outside classroom doors until at least 2 students are present before entering. At no time is an adult to be alone with a student unless he/she is the parent of that child.   


Students are to be under adult supervision at all times, both inside and outside our facilities.  Only students with a prior parental permission slip on file may come and go on their own. This includes going to their cars or the parking lot.  Students are not to leave the building at any time unless they are signed out by a parent and/or leaving for the day. 


We will also have an armed security guard stationed at the front door. 


STUDENT EXPECTATIONS:  We hold high standards for every individual attending our Quo Vadis Homeschoolers program.  Adults and fellow students must be treated with respect and kindness.  They are to contribute to a positive learning environment by arriving at class on time and prepared to learn.  This includes completing assignments with their best effort and in a timely manner.  All property onsite at our rental facility is to be treated with respect. 


There is to be no public displays of affection such as touching, kissing, and hand holding between students and staff. 


PARENT EXPECTATIONS: While parents who enroll their children are NOT required to teach, we are dependent on their willingness to provide the required 6 service hours per semester/family. These can be completed through the following positions: Lunch Monitor, Hall Monitor and Door Monitor (occasionally a teacher’s aide may be required).  Parents select their preferred times/days after registration is submitted. Families are able to opt-out of their required service hours for $150 per semester, if desired.


Parents fulfilling our Service Hour requirements will need to complete an IChat Criminal Background Check form and pay $10.00 to cover the processing fee.


ARRIVAL: Parents are urged to make the greatest effort to arrive on time to all classes so their students can benefit fully. If students arrive late, they will be asked to wait in the registration room with their parent until their next class begins. This is to ensure that all students can get the most out of their class with the fewest disruptions.  


DRESS CODE: We ask that all parents honor our dress code policy of modest, respectful clothing without offensive images or verbiage. Great care should be taken to wear clothing that appropriately covers private areas such as buttocks, breasts, bellies, and backs. No shorts that are higher than 3” above the knees. No spandex, leggings, "spandex-like" pants without a long shirt to cover the crotch/buttocks area. No thin strap tank tops, strapless/halter tops or low-cut, revealing shirts. All skirts must be no shorter than knee length. 


Students are required to wear one of the uniform combinations on our Uniform document.


The Quo Vadis Directors reserve the right to determine what is appropriate. If something is questionable, please ask. 


DISCIPLINE POLICY:  We believe every person should be respected. No bullying will be tolerated of any kind. If a student is not responding to their teacher’s request for improved behavior and/or effort, then the Director will be contacted. If undesirable behavior persists, then the student will be removed from the class and a parent will be called and/or located to discuss the situation. Our teachers are only paid for the time they teach our classes; therefore it is not fair to them or the other students to have class disrupted due to behavior issues. Our goal is to see success among our students. 


Improvement of behavior is usually based on the motivation of the student and the assistance and support of the parents. If behavior does not improve, students/families may be prohibited from attending onsite.


Quo Vadis welcomes all families who are willing to participate and cooperate in our program.  We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin or gender.  Quo Vadis reserves the right to limit, suspend, or refuse admittance to Quo Vadis Homeschoolers classes/programs for any reason other than those listed. 


WELLNESS POLICY: Please keep children home if they have had a fever, diarrhea or vomiting within the last 24 hours. Students must be fever free WITHOUT medication for 24 hours before returning to classes. Or if they have a productive cough/cold, head lice, rash or green discharge from eyes/nose they should be kept home as well.  If your student/family has come into contact with anyone that has tested positive for COVID w/in the last 14 days, please keep the student home until it is determined that the student/family is free from illness. If your student arrives at QVH and appears too ill to be in class, they will be asked to wait in the office and their parent/guardian will be called or located to come pick them up from the site. 


If you find that your student is too ill to attend, please contact us via email/phone.


CELL PHONE/ELECTRONIC DEVICES:  Students are not permitted to use cell phones or other electronic devices during school hours.  Absolutely NO streaming of video is permitted at our facility unless under the direction of a teacher. 



  • Most families have the option of dropping off their students for classes.

  • Parents may leave the facility while their child is active in class, in the Study Hall (6th-12th grade students only), or during lunch. 

  • Parents are also welcome to stay onsite while their children are in class. Although parents are not permitted to stay in the classrooms during their child's class, this is a great opportunity for parents to stay onsite and socialize with other families.  

  • Fresh coffee is available for Parents/Adults who remain onsite.

  • If a student is onsite, but they are not in scheduled class, then their parent must be onsite to DIRECTLY supervise that student.  Direct supervision means within direct sight and sound of their student. 

  • Parents may designate another adult to assume responsibility for that particular child, but staff in the office must be made aware of this agreement. 

Our drop-off option is not available for students that have serious medical issues. Students with serious medical issues must have a parent or guardian available and onsite at all times. This is for the overall safety and well-being of your child.  We do not have the staff to support children with serious medical issues.

This is for the overall safety and well-being of your child.



  • Parents fulfilling service hours will supervise lunch.  

  • For the safety of our children, direct parental supervision of children with severe food allergies is required. We are NOT a nut-free facility.

  • Please have your children dress appropriately, as we will try to take advantage of good weather conditions outside as much as possible. 

  • There is to be absolutely NO eating or drinking in the classroom areas.  




QVH Partnership Electives: Funded classes available for students in grades K-12. 

  • Children are assigned to a grade based on their standard age (birthdate).  If you have a specific request for your child to be placed in a class outside their particular grade level, contact the Program Director.  

  • Parents are NOT to contact teachers directly regarding class placement. 

A minimum of 4 classes, per student, is required for Quo Vadis registration.

  • Full-Time OVA students are exempt from the 4 class minimum. 

  • Registration is an individualized process and many factors are taken into consideration.  Please know that every effort will be made to fulfill a student’s 1st choice class selection. 

  • QV Registration fees vary based on the number of classes each student is enrolled in.


QV Fusion: 6 Funded or Self-Pay classes available for K-11th graders. 

  • Students enroll on a Full-Time basis. 4 core classes & 2 elective classes

  • Classes are selected based on assessment Levels rather than just grade. 

  • Signed Liability Waivers and all Medical Release forms must be submitted through the Registration Form.


After the registration process begins, each family will be notified as soon as possible via email with a “Courtesy Hold”. This hold will be placed on your desired classes and an invoice will be sent indicating the balance due, if applicable. Please note that the Courtesy Hold is not a confirmation of classes.  It is a notification that those classes are being held for your child for 1 week. 


Once you Confirm the accuracy of your child’s classes, all fees will be due. If your deadline passes before you have completed the list of steps, your hold will be relinquished and you will be notified of the next available opportunity to submit a class request. 



  • All paid fees are NON-REFUNDABLE.

  • Please make every effort to choose your classes carefully.  Our classes have limited space/availability.  Often, it is not possible to change from one class to another, and changing classes after registering adds a great deal of extra work for all involved. 

  • A $25 fee will be charged per student, per class change that can be fulfilled before classes begin. This does not apply when a student is asked to select a 2nd choice class due to the initial class being full. 

  • Dropped classes will be charged a fee up to $1000 each, based on the listed class fee.


TUITION/FEES: Quo Vadis Homeschoolers offers 2 ways to pay for desired classes. 

  1. District-Funded Enrollment: This option allows you to take advantage of fully-funded classes with little to no out-of-pocket expense.  

  2. Self-Pay Enrollment: Tuition is paid entirely by the family for each student and class they are enrolled in at a rate of $125-$2000 per class. 

  3. A Welcome Package is applied per student/per year during registration. 

  4. Student Supplied Resources are the responsibility of the family to obtain. 

  5. $10 Ichat Fee is charged per adult fulfilling volunteer requirements.


All paid fees are NON-REFUNDABLE.


FINANCIAL AID:  Quo Vadis Homeschoolers is unable to finance payment plans for families at this time.  Families in need of financial assistance are strongly encouraged to look into the District-Funded class option. 



  • Each family enrolled with Quo Vadis using district funding, is responsible for meeting all district registration/continuation requirements.  As well communicating directly with the district should there be any questions as to the child/family funded status.  


It is very important for District Funded students to be present and accounted for on ALL Count Days (October & February) each year. 


Students who do not attend & participate in Count Day for ALL their district funded classes will NOT receive district funding, and will be personally responsible for all QVH tuition and fees. 


Students are also required to participate in each of their online Buzz class components every week that classes are offered.


If the child/family is unable to meet all district requirements and district funding is therefore not available for the child/family, then all outstanding balances (typically covered by the district) are due from the family to QVH within one week of being notified by the district that coverage will no longer be applicable. 


QUESTIONS: Please feel free to contact the Program Director with any questions you may have pertaining to this document. 


Quo Vadis Homeschoolers looks forward to having your family join us! 

© 2025 by Quo Vadis Homeschoolers.

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